Why am I journeying into this world of blogs? There are
many reasons but the two foremost are, one to create a site where people with
disabilities can obtain information and feel a sense normality. Secondly, to force me to write on a daily
basis, because reading and writing have always been an important part of my
survival throughout the years.
I am a 45-year old (46 in a week), Korean-American mom of
2 children, a daughter who is 14 and a son who is 12. I have been single for 2-½
years after a 20-year marriage. I have
been living with partial spinal paralysis since 1994, when I became one of the many
causalities of a drunk driver who fell asleep at the wheel. The accident
resulted in a fracture to my C5 and a burst fracture in the L1 region of the
spine, when the car roof collapsed after being pushed off the freeway and
rolling down the embankment. I am not an authority in spinal paralysis, nor do
I hold any degrees or certifications, but I am writing based on my years of
living with spinal paralysis.
Although my injury left me with many physical
limitations, I am a much happier person now than before the accident. Call it
what you want, divine intervention or whatever, but ever since waking up in a
drugged haze at the hospital and finding out I could not move from the neck
down, all the mental and emotional issues that made my life a never-ending
roller coaster ride of emotional up, down and twists just faded away. The
childhood pains no longer drove my life. The pain that drove me to seek psychologists
to deal with my erratic emotions just disappeared. No, I did not see angels,
bright lights or any other divine images. There was just awakening to voices in
the pitch black as paramedics pried us out of our car to the voices of the
emergence room staff as they try to get a tube down my throat. Finally to wake
up in a drugged haze in my hospital bed listening to hissing and clicks of machines
as I was rocked side-to-side in my hospital bed.
I never really went through the trauma of, “Oh my God,
how am I going to live?” There was just too much things happening and being heavily medicated, the fact of being paralyzed from the neck down did not fully compute yet (not to say there was never any tears.) The first
month I was in a daze of people coming in-and-out, of me being rolled from
room-to-room and finally being transport to a rehab facility. During my stay at
rehab, my spouse was there every day helping me all day. So, after my 4-month
stay, I left rehab in a one-handed wheelchair. I had regained function to my
right limbs and was able to stand and shift unto my wheelchair. I was also
fitted with a KFO orthotics (leg brace that goes from above the knee to foot.)
From that point, since I could not afford physical therapy, it was the gym for
regular aerobic and strength training. Now, with eating right and regular
exercise, I wear only an AFO (a brace that goes from below knee to foot) and I
no longer have the wheelchair. I can lead a fairly normal life.
Well, this was just a brief story of where I am coming
from. I hope that what I post and send out to this amazing place call the web,
I can reach and maybe help, in any small way, to motivate another who is dealing
with similar issues.
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